Samsung NX-R mirrorless camera to be released in March, NX30 currently in development

Mirrorless NX prototypes from Samsung promotional video

Samsung will announce their new NX-R mirrorless camera in March, 2013. There is no date yet for the Samsung NX30 release (replacement of the NX20), but the camera is in development right now. I received some unconfirmed information that the new NX-R (or NX Pro) could have a full frame sensor inside. No details were provided on the lens mount or other camera specs. Back in 2009 Samsung's representative suggested that the "firm is actively pursuing development of a full-frame CMOS sensor intended for use in a professional camera." As far as I know the NX lenses currently cannot cover a full frame sensor. The name NX-R has appeared on several occasions in the past few months - the camera is real, I just seriously doubt it will be full frame: