What else is new?

→ The Fuji X-series instant savings are back at Adorama, Amazon and B&H: you can add on one or all of the XF lenses below for added savings:

Description MAP Price After Instant Savings Consumer Savings
18mm* $599.95 $299.95 $300.00
27mm* $449.95 $299.95 $150.00
35mm* $599.95 $449.95 $150.00
60mm* $649.95 $399.95 $250.00
18-55mm** $699.95 $499.95 $200.00

*Only one lens each may be added to a single camera purchase (ie. Customer may not purchase two (2) – 35mm lenses but may buy one (1) each of all lenses listed).
**The 18-55mm lens promotion can only be combined with a body only sale of the X-E1 or the X-Pro1.  It may not be combined with the X-E1 Hard Bundle Kit that already includes the 18-55mm lens.

→ Even Fuji's new Mini 90 Neoclassic Instax cameras looks like a X100.

→ Court approves Kodak’s plan of reorganization.

→ Garmin released their own action cam called VIRB:

→ The Q is a simple waterproof camera that automatically shares pictures online

→ Cornell University developed software that can change lighting conditions in post processing.

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