What else is new?

→ Fuji Japan announced that the XF 10-24mm f/4 OIS lens ($999) is delayed. B&H currently lists the shipping date as April, 2014.

→ Shimano is now making sport cameras for cyclists.

→ The next iPhone 6 is rumored to have a 10+MP camera with f/1.8 aperture and new resin lens filter.

Sigma will start releasing two charts for lens measurements - geometric and diffraction MTF:

"MTF charts are important because they help photographers better understand the optical quality of lenses. Sigma has traditionally released Diffraction MTF data because it takes the diffraction quality of light into consideration, which can dramatically affect the data outcome. Diffracted light exists at every aperture, giving photographers a more accurate measurement of how the lens will perform in real life. Although Geometric MTF data is easier to measure and calculate since it does not consider the diffraction quality of light, it tends to show higher values in the graph and less defined results."

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