Film is not dead: Ferrania to start producing film again

Finally a good news for film shooters: Film Ferrania is going to start producing film again (35mm and 120 still formats, as well as Super 8 and 16mm cine formats) - they are making something similar to what The Impossible Project did with Polaroid. Film Ferrania is a new company that bought last year part of the ex-factory of Ferrania Films in Ferrania (Italy). Their website has recently been updated and there will be an official announcement in mid-September (for Photokina). They also ask costumers to take a brief survey. Here are few quotes from their website (see also FAQ):

"We're back! We apologize for our silence over the past months - but we have been preparing for a big announcement coming in mid-September."

"The new film is a re-engineered version of the Scotch Chrome 100 previously produced by the IMATION company and it does not have anything in common with the old 3M slide film from '70s. Is was a modern film available in three speeds: 100, 640 and 800/3200 ISO that we are going to reintroduce on the market in an improved version and finished also in motion picture small formats."

Here is a short documentary about the original Ferrania factory:

See the updated Photokina 2014 rumors roundup.

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