Samsung denies withdrawal from digital imaging business, Nikon sell out

Korea Times reports that Samsung will not withdrawal from digital imaging business:

Market expectations have also been that selling the imaging sensors would be much more profitable for the company than selling cameras.

Samsung Electronics, however, claimed that it does not have an official plan to dispose of its digital imaging business division.

"It is true that we have not rolled out any new products since February," said a Samsung Electronics spokesman, ‘but we do not have any official plans to withdraw from the camera business. We still have employees working in the division."

They also denied any sell out to Nikon:

Samsung Electronics has denied market speculation that it will withdraw from the digital imaging business and sell its imaging sensor technologies to Japanese camera maker Nikon.

"I doubt that Nikon is interested in acquiring Samsung's camera technologies because the Japanese company already has advanced optical technologies," she said. "Should Nikon seek Samsung's camera business, it could be for diversification of its product portfolio."