Some Adobe codecs still depends on the vulnerable QuickTime for Windows

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Adobe issued an official statement that some of their codecs still depends on QuickTime for Windows which is now highly recommended to be removed form your Windows system because of security concerns:

Unfortunately, there are some codecs which remain dependent on QuickTime being installed on Windows, most notably Apple ProRes. We know how common this format is in many worfklows, and we continue to work hard to improve this situation, but have no estimated timeframe for native decode currently.

Other commonly used QuickTime formats which would be affected by the uninstallation of QuickTime include Animation (import and export), DNxHD/HR (export) as would workflows where growing QuickTime files are being used (although we strongly advise using MXF for this wherever possible).

Steps on how to unistal QuickTime for Windows can be found here.

Via Adobe Blog

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