Interview: Sigma CEO suggests potential video shooting cameras in the future

A new interview with Sigma's CEO Mr. Kazuto Yamaki was published online. It seems that Sigma is interested in producing a mirrorless camera that can shoot video in the future (at the 7:40 mark):

Sigma's current line of cameras cannot shoot video as a result of the high data volume the Foveon sensor is producing and has to be processed.

A few months ago Sigma announced a new line of cinema lenses.

Here is a rundown of the questions asked in the interview:

00:17 – How was it to grow-up in a house with an enthusiastic father? (Mr. Michihiro Yamaki established the company in 1961 and passed away in 2012, at the age of 78).
01:29 – Can you please share with our audience your daily routine?
03:14 – How do you prioritise which mount and lenses to make?
04:01 – How easy was the decision to start making the Art line of high-quality lenses?
05:27 – In the past, Sigma lenses were considered affordable. Then you decided to hit the upper end of the market. What was the reason?
06:53 – In such a crowded market, Sigma is producing a high-quality stills camera that does not offer any video functionality. Why is that?
07:51 – Are you able to keep good sales is a declining market?
09:07 – Why did you decide to produce cine lenses?
09:57 – Where did people go? Why aren’t they buying lenses anymore?
10:26 – What would be your dream zoom lens?

Via Cinema 5D

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