DJH: DJI drone with a Hasselblad camera?

A reader sent me this picture anonymously in connections with the rumors about DJI acquiring Hasselblad. Maybe DJH will be a new company for medium format drones? I do not know if the picture is real or fake, but keep in mind that Hasselblad started by developing their first HK7 aerial camera back in 1940:

The Swedish government realised the strategic advantage of developing an aerial camera for their own use, and in the spring of 1940 approached Victor Hasselblad to help create one. In April 1940, Victor Hasselblad established a camera workshop in Gothenburg called Ross AB in a shed at an automobile shop, working in the evenings in cooperation with a mechanic from the shop and his brother, began designing the HK7 camera. (source: Wikipedia)

Update - this rumor got debunked, see the comments section for details.

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