Is there another Fuji SQ Instax camera coming?


The new Fuji Instax SQ10 square format hybrid camera was announced last month and is expected to start shipping tomorrow. As FujiAddict already reported, the new SQ10 is different and not necessarily better:

"The Instax SQ10 design isn’t a hybrid analog+digital design, but rather a point and shoot digital camera+Instax Square printer, which reduces the size of the lens needed since the film isn’t being exposed directly. This arguably makes Instax Square an inferior format to Instax Mini or Wide at this time, since you are printing camera phone images with a printer, compared to exposing a large piece of modern instant film."

If you remember our coverage in the months before the SQ10 announcement, there was a leaked picture of another Fuji SQ camera that has not been announced so far:

The Instagram account where this picture was originally posted is now closed. Could it be that Fuji has another Instax camera that will be announced at a later date? Here is another quote from FujiAddict: "Hopefully, we see a true analog Instax Square in the future and an actually analog+digital hybrid implementation of Instax."

Top Fuji Instax SQ10 picture credit: B&H

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