The insolvency procedure has started for NetSE, the company behind Meyer Optik Görlitz, Emil Busch, Oprema Jena, C.P. Goerz, Ihagee Elbaflex & A. Schacht

The insolvency procedure has started for NetSE, the company behind Meyer Optik Görlitz, Emil Busch, Oprema Jena, C.P. Goerz, Ihagee Elbaflex & A. Schacht (see previous blog posts). If you have paid for a lens on Kickstarter and have not received it, I think the changes are very slim that you will get anything back.

Here are the details from the insolvency filings:

21 IN 128/18: On the assets of net SE, Moselufer 50, 56073 Koblenz (AG Koblenz, HRB 22180), deputy d. Stefan Immes, (managing director), was opened on 01.10.2018 at 08:00 o'clock the insolvency procedure.

The creditors are invited:

  1. a) to file insolvency claims (§ 38 InsO) with the insolvency administrator in compliance with § 174 InsO by 12.2018 ;
  2. b) notify the insolvency administrator immediately of the security interests they are claiming in respect of movable property or rights of the debtor. The object to which the security interest is claimed, the nature and reason for the security interest as well as the secured claim must be designated. Who negligently omits or delays the notification, liable for the resulting damage (§ 28 para 2 Insolvency).

Persons who have obligations to the debtor are requested to pay no longer to the debtor, but to the insolvency administrator (§ 28 (3) InsO).

The procedure is conducted orally.

In front of the bankruptcy court, a creditors' meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 1919, 11:00 am, Room 123, Hauptjustizgebäude, Karmeliterstraße 14, 56068 Koblenz for reporting by the insolvency administrator and for checking the registered claims (reporting and examination date) .

The appointment serves at the same time the decision of the creditors over

and optionally via:

Note: Approvals of the creditors to particularly significant legal acts under § 160 InsO are deemed to have been granted, even if a convened creditors' meeting has no quorum.

The full resolution including the legal remedy can be viewed at the office of the Bankruptcy Court.

District Court Koblenz, 01.10.2018

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