Another Fujifilm photographic film price increase coming

Another Fujifilm photographic film price increase (30%) is coming on June 1st (see previous price increases):

Color negative film (135)
Fuji Color 100 

Professional negative film (135/120)
Fuji Color PRO 400 H

Professional negative film (120)
Fuji Color PRO 160 NS

Reversal film (135/120 / CUT)
Fujichrome Velvia 50
Fujichrome Velvia 100
Fujichrome PROVIA 100F

Film with lens (135)
Fuji color photography is a simple ace

Translated release:

FUJIFILM Corporation announced on May 9 that the price of photographic film products in Japan will be revised from June 1. Although no specific price is specified, the revised price is expected to be raised by more than 30%.

As the reason for the price revision, the company says that “high logistics costs and rising prices of some raw materials etc.” made it difficult for quality and stable supply.

Target products include reversal film “BELVIA 50” which has become a staple in landscape photography etc., color negative film “Fuji color SUPERIA PREMIUM 400”, and “filming simple lens with film with lens” etc.

Source: DC.Watch, via FujiAddict

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