Canon to introduce several new cameras aimed at young people as early as this year

According to a recent Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun article (behind a paywall, thanks for the recap Nakayamahanzaemon), Canon is going to introduce several new cameras aimed at young people as early as this year.

You can see three camera prototypes in the article. The first is a screenless camera, called "outdoor activity camera" that can connect to a smartphone to view photos. The second is a small camera where you can change the focal length between 100mm and 400mm. The last camera is a stand-type camera with voice recognition and automatic tracking function. The article also mentions another camera for kids (no pictures).

The article also says: older people tend to buy digital cameras, so Canon intends to extend their customer base to younger generations who shoot photos with smartphones.

Update - one of the Canon cameras listed in the article is already listed for funding on Indiegogo.

Via Nikkan (thanks for the translation Nakayamahanzaemon)

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