The new Canon EOS-1D X Mark III DSLR camera to be officially announced in the next 30 days

The new Canon EOS-1D X Mark III DSLR camera and WFT-E9 were just added to the latest Canon's internal product list. This is an indication that pre-orders could start within one month:

キャノンの最新の商品リストに「EOS-1D X Mark III」と「WFT-E9」が追加。年末年始なので早めに追加した可能性もあるが、いつも通りなら1か月以内に予約開始されるはず。 #噂

— 軒下デジカメ情報局 (@nokishita_c) December 24, 2019

DxO NIK Collection 2 sale is ending tomorrow: