List of 20 companies that will take part of the 2021 CP+ online show

CP+ released the list of 20 companies that have registered so far to be part of the 2021 CP+ online show (from Thursday, February 25 to Sunday, February 28, 2021):

  1. Atomos
  2. Canon
  3. Epson
  4. Fujifilm
  5. KamLan
  6. Kenko Tokina
  7. Mouse Computer
  8. Nextorage
  9. Nikon
  10. OM Digital Solutions
  11. Panasonic
  12. Ricoh
  13. Laowa
  14. Sigma
  15. Silence Corner
  16. Sony
  17. Tamron
  18. Thirdwave
  19. TourBoxTech
  20. Zoner

Press release:

Announcement for CP+ 2021 ONLINE: A World Premiere Show for Cameras and Photo Imaging

The Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA) (president: Masaya Maeda; address: MA Shibaura Bldg. 3-8-10, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan) will hold CP+2021 ONLINE, a comprehensive camera and imaging exhibition, from Thursday, February 25 to Sunday, February 28, 2021. The archives will be on public view until Wednesday, March 31.

CP+2021 was shifted to an online-only event but features an abundance of content, such as organizer events, exhibitor events, and various seminars. CP+2021 also has its own official channel for streaming organizer events and the attractive content of exhibitors.

The organizer events include the live streaming of the keynote speech, a panel discussion by top engineers, and a digital camera market seminar by the CIPA, along with the exhibition of the works of the ZOOMS JAPAN 2021 winners (see attachment).

Additionally, CP+2021 ONLINE is newly collaborating with Camera Grand Prix, which is an awards event organized by the Camera Journal Press Club. With this collaboration, CP+ 2021 ONLINE visitors can vote for a Readers Award, picked by general users.

Pre-registration for CP+2021 ONLINE begins on Wednesday, January 20, at 1 p.m., via the CP+ official website (

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