Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI version 6 released

Topaz Labs released Gigapixel AI version 6 with several improvements and bug fixes (Native Apple M1 support, improved model downloads and quality boost, and lots of usability and stability fixes).

You can use coupon code RUMORS15 on any Topaz Labs product for an extra 15% off.

Also: Topaz Labs DeNoise AI is now 25% off (until 4/15).

Here is what's new in Gigapixel AI version 6:

Special Update Instructions

  1. Quit Photoshop and/or Lightroom Classic completely
  2. Gigapixel AI should open by itself after installing the update. Your plugin configurations should now be reset. Follow any prompts displayed relating to installing plugins.

Major Changes



Known Issues

Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI examples:

Topaz Labs Gigapixel AI example: upscale from 4,000px to 16,000px

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