Topaz Labs Video AI version 3.5 released

Topaz Labs released Video AI version 3.5. Here is what's new:
Changelog from 3.4.4:
- Adds “Nyx” Enhancement model.
- Adds Iris v2 model.
- Adds support for rotating videos 90, 180, and 270 degrees.
- Adds crash logs to “logs for support” and changes format to zip file.
- Adds change moving “Enable Previous Model Versions” preference to advanced section of settings.
- Adds change renaming “Second Pass Enhancement” to just “Second Enhancement” to reduce any potential confusion with two-pass encoding.
- Fixes bug causing logs to be inaccessible on Windows.
- Fixes special characters in file path causing export failure when using Export As.
- Fixes crash on app open for some machines.
- Fixes trim accuracy issues for ProRes.
- Fixes bug causing inaccuracy with video duration after resetting trim range.
- A new model for denoising high-quality video.
- The focus of the model is on footage from high-quality cameras captured in less-than-ideal lighting conditions.
- Processes videos at 1x scale to maintain the level of detail in the input video while removing noise.
Iris v2:
- An improved version of Iris v1, offerring more details and sharpness especially to faces.
- It uses TensorRT models for Nvidia GPUs and could result in a 50% speed-up.
- It also reduces the “previous frame’s ghost” artifacts.
- It reduces “marching ant” (diagonal movement of texture) artifacts, especially, for 1x and 2x.
The Topaz Labs Photo AI v2.0 sale ($40 off) is ending tomorrow: