Get used to the new marketing trick of camera companies: lottery system to allow you to buy the latest and greatest camera

Fujifilm was the first to implement this with the X1000VI if I am not mistaken, and now Ricoh is doing it as well with the new GR III HDF and GR IIIx HDF cameras:

"Sales will start from April 12th (Friday). RICOH GR III HDF/ RICOH GR IIIx HDF will be sold only at the official online store. However, access was concentrated on the day of delivery, making it difficult to connect, causing inconvenience to customers. Based on this, we regret to inform you that we will be selling items by lottery starting from the sale of items that arrive after Friday, May 17, 2024."

Ricoh Japan temporarily suspends orders for the new GR III HDF and GR IIIx HDF cameras, implements lottery system

A simple notice of a delay because of high demand is no longer good enough to show how superior a product is - now, we need a lottery system. Somebody in the marketing department got a promotion and a bonus for sure!

Check the Ricoh GR III HDF & GR IIIx HDF cameras availability at:

Via PentaxRumors

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