Fujifilm X Summit Prague 2025 officially announced, front of the upcoming GFX 100RF medium format fixed lens camera revealed

Fujifilm officially announced the 2025 X Summit in Prague (March 20). They also displayed a teaser fron view of the upcoming/rumors Fujifilm GFX 100RF medium format fixed lens camera:

Here are the rumored Fujifilm GFX 100RF specifications from December last year:

What we know so far on the rumored Fujifilm GFX 100RF medium format camera with a built-in GF 35mm f/4 lens

Fujifilm is already teasing the GFX100RF fixed lens medium format camera for Fujikina Prague 2025 (March 22-23)

The latest Fujifilm rumors

Fujifilm registered a new FF250001 camera in Asia, here are the possible upcoming models

Fujifilm Patent For GFX Fixed Lens Found

Via FujiAddict (TwitterFacebook: GFX | X-H | X-T | X-SX-Pro | X-E | X-A | X100)

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