Olympus E-P3 and E-PL3 to be released on June 3rd?

Olympus E-PL2 soon to be replaced?

Digicame-info reports that there will be two new Micro Four Thirds cameras released on June 3rd, 2011: the E-P3 and E-PL3. Both models are expected to have external EVF and 12 MP sensor. In the past Digicame-info.com has provided some correct rumors, like the release of the PEN E-PL1s camera.

Sony will also have new products announcements on June 3rd, 2011.

Update #1: some confusion with the Google translation - it seems that the original rumor included also a new Mini-Olympus camera (similar to the rumored new Panasonic GF3 model).

Update #2: Digicame-info posted a second update that the release date of the E-P3, E-PL3 and the new mini-Olympus cameras could have been delayed till June 30th, 2011.