Fuji wants to capture 50% of the emerging mirrorless market in 2 years

FujiAddict found an interesting interview with Fujifilm India Managing Director Yasunobu Nishiyama published by the Times of India:

"Within the mirrorless market, we would like to have around 50 per cent share in a span of at least two years.

In this, mirrorless segment had the highest growth of 300 per cent. In 2015-16, it was total 7,900 units and was 32,500 in 2016-17.

Even in 2017-18, we are expecting a sales of 3.5-4 lakh units of professional and DSLR cameras in which 10 per cent would be mirrorless."

In another recent interview, company's executives claimed that Fujifilm went from 14-15% to 20% global mirrorless market share. I have not seen any independent third party reports to confirm this claim. Marketing departments (such as Sony) sometimes like to pick and choose the stats they quote online.

Fujifilm was not listed in any of the BCN camera rankings for 2015, 2016 or any other year:

BCN award mirrorless camera market share 2016:

  1. Olympus 26.8
  2. Canon 18.5%
  3. Sony 17.9%

If anyone has some meaningful data on Fujifilm's market share, please post it in the comments section.

Via FujiAddict

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