Olympus Imaging’s cumulative operating losses significantly bigger than originally reported

We already knew that Olympus Imaging's cumulative operating losses during the last twelve years totaled ¥103bn. That's $1.2bn. Last week Olympus published their consolidated financial results for the second quarter of FY2021 (July - September 2020). Included in this reporting is the forecast of the FY2021 loss from the soon to be divested Imaging Business, now considered as 'discontinued operation': ¥53bn. That's an additional $500m.

As they politely said when presenting their results, "We expect to record a loss for the current fiscal year due to expenses related to the divestiture of the Imaging business." Later on they added: "Total loss of ¥5.5 billion is expected due to the loss associated with the divestiture of the Imaging Business."

There are other interesting bits concerning the Imaging Business in Olympus's financial reporting:

Thanks Mistral75!

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