TriggerTrap: universal remote camera trigger

I received this email form the person behind a new project called TriggerTrap - see the video below for a better understanding of this product:

TriggerTrap is a universal camera trigger. The device itself can do timelapse photography, and it can trigger your camera based on laser and sound. It can also do non-linear timelapse photography: You can choose to extend or reduce the gap between each photo automatically, to enable the illusion of your animation speeding up or showing down.

With the above, Triggertrap is already a really exciting product, but I think it is made doubly interesting by the Aux input. This will enable photographers to connect just about anything to their camera. Think about it: You press your car horn, it takes a photo. Your phone rings, it takes a photo. The sun rises, it takes a photo. Anything is possible - and that's why this camera trigger is so eminently hackable and exciting to experimental photographers all over the world!


Launching on Kickstarter

In order to start building the Kickstarter, I need support from the photographic community - A lot of the design has been done, but prototypes need to be built, and we need to find a way of mass-producing this gadget to make it affordable to photographer. As such, I'm looking for $8,500 worth of backing via the excellent Kickstarter website - starting on Thursday.

If you want to link to the Kickstarter project, please link to This URL will redirect to the correct URL when it launches, in case you decide to write or schedule articles ahead of time. The official website is live on - but it's obviously lacking in content just a little bit so far!

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