Category Archives: Rolleiflex

There is no new Rolleiflex camera coming on 4/20

There is no new Rolleiflex camera coming on 4/20. The @OfficialRollei Twitter account is now suspended. Update – here is a statement from the person behind the scam: The Rolleiflex camera teasers that were published a few days ago can be found here:

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A new digital Rolleiflex camera to be announced next month?

Rolleiflex is teasing a new (digital?) camera to be announced next month. This is what we know so far:

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Rolleiflex Instant camera on Kickstarter

The next big photography related crowdfunded project on Kickstarter is for a new Rolleiflex Instant camera (fully funded in just a few hours). Technical specifications and camera’s buttons diagram:

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New cameras from Rolleiflex: Hy6 Mod2 and FX-N

Relleiflex announced two new cameras for the Photokina 2012 show: the Rolleiflex FX-N (pictured above) has a new Heidosmat 2,8/80mm viewfinder lens and a Rollei S-Apogon 2,8/80mm main lens. The other specifications are identical to the previous FX model. The Rolleiflex Hy6 Mod2 includes some firmware and design improvements:    

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