Sony Corporations is planing to raise nearly $4 billion with issuing new shares and bonds in order to invest in stacked image sensor R&D and production while pulling back from consumer goods where they lost money in the past:
Sony Corporations is planing to raise nearly $4 billion with issuing new shares and bonds in order to invest in stacked image sensor R&D and production while pulling back from consumer goods where they lost money in the past:
In addition to the service advisory from Tamron, Sigma also reported a live view issues (images are not being displayed) when using the following lenses with the Canon EOS 5Ds and 5DsR cameras:
As I reported earlier today, Olympus officially announced their AIR A01 smartphone camera module (aka “clip camera”) in the US. The AIR A01 is basically a stand-alone unit that works together with Olympus OA app – this allows you to use your phone as internal memory and display, or upload your photos directly to the cloud (currently […]