Sony product announcement at the IBC 2018 show (probably not photography related)

SonyAddict reports about a scheduled new Sony product announcement during the IBC 2018 show on Friday, September 14th at 9.30am CET:

"Watch our press conference from IBC 2018 streamed live here at 9.30am CET on Friday 14th September 2018. We are proud to make the announcements’ for this new IBC 2018 using our new Virtual Production Service. Streamed live here and on our Facebook."

There are currently zero rumors about a potential new Sony camera or lens (FYI: the Nikon Z rumors started back in January 2018, nine months before the official announcement). Maybe Sony is rethinking their strategy after Nikon and Canon are about to join the full frame mirrorless market.

Sony is currently behind on updating their A-mount and APS-C offerings. A new Sony A7s Mark IIISony a6700 cameras and 200-600mm, 24mm f/1.4 GM lenses have been talked about for months but like I already said - so far there are no leaks, no rumors, no pictures. As far as I know, Sony doesn't have a press event scheduled for Photokina this year.