Some websites will do everything possible in their effort to get more clicks. Reporting false statements or made-up rumors to get a few extra dollars is now the norm rather than the exception. One of those attention-hungry clickbait websites, that never really broke a real story in their existence, recently reported that the sensor inside the upcoming Canon EOS R3 is made by Sony. This of course is far from the truth as proven by Petapixel:
In a statement to PetaPixel, Canon has reiterated in no uncertain terms that it is not only the designer of the new sensor but also its manufacturer.
“The sensor in the upcoming EOS R3 camera is Canon designed and manufactured.”
This is the same statement that the company said to journalists in briefings in early April ahead of the EOS R3’s official development announcement. Why there have been continued reports that conflict with that messaging is unclear, but there should be no question now — Sony is not making the R3 sensor, Canon is. (source: Petapixel)