Category Archives: Benro

What’s new on Kickstarter?

Pinhole Pro Max: world’s most advanced pinhole lens: $141,270 pledged of $10,000 goal KUVRD teeny cleaning tool for every lens & screen: $114,392 pledged of $2,500 goal Benro Aureole: modular 3-in-1 drop-in filter adapter system: $11,777 pledged of $6,383 goal SIRUI 75mm 1.6x full-frame anamorphic lens now on Indiegogo: $339,996 pledged of $5,000 goal

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Ending n 24 hours: Benro Polaris smart electric tripod head with camera interface controller has raised over $2 million

After this Bevis Gear camera bag raised over $600k on Kickstarter with 11 more days to go, here is another crazy funded project: the Benro Polaris smart electric tripod head with camera interface controller and remote preview/configuration through wi-fi/cellular is going to soon pass the two million dollar mark with another 21 days to go (which […]

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