Category Archives: TTartisan

The new TTArtisan AF 27mm f/2.8 lens for Nikon Z-mount and Sony E-mount is now available

The new TTArtisan AF 27mm f/2.8 lens for Nikon Z-mount and Sony E-mount is now available for sale and is currently in stock at: TTartisan online store (international shipping available) Pergear online store (international shipping available) Amazon US | UK | CA | DE | FR | ES | IT Additional information is available here and […]

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The TTArtisan AF 27mm f/2.8 lens is coming soon for Nikon Z-mount and Sony E-mount

The TTArtisan AF 27mm f/2.8 lens is coming for Nikon Z and Sony E mount (the lens already exists for Fuji X): Compact and lightweight Autofocus lens Clicked aperture Metal-built body Price: $149 Pre-orders will be open soon (sold also at Amazon) Technical specifications and additional pictures:

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TTartisan is working on a new T-1 mirrorless camera

TTartisan is working on a new T-1 mirrorless camera – here are the details:

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TTArtisan to announce a new 100mm f/2.8 2x macro lens for E/RF/X/Z/L mount

TTArtisan is rumored to announce a new 100mm f/2.8 2x macro lens for E/RF/X/Z/L mount. Venus Optics and Samyang already have 100mm f/2.8 lenses on the market: Here is the lens design diagram of the new TTArtisan lens – stay tuned for more details:

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The next lens from TTartisan: 100mm f/2.8 Macro

TTartisan released something like a lens roadmap for 2023 – it seems that most new lenses will be compact primes and at least one telephoto: The first lens for 2023 will be a new TTartisan 100mm f/2.8 Macro:

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The TTArtisan 50mm f/2 full-frame manual focus mirrorless lens is now available in silver (Fuji X, Sony E, MFT, Leica L, Canon M+R, and Nikon Z)

        TTartisan released a new sliver version of their existing 50mm f/2 full-frame manual focus mirrorless lens for Fuji X, Sony E, MFT, Leica L, Canon M+R, and Nikon Z cameras. The lens is currently in stock at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon CA, Pergear, and TTartisan. Here are the […]

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TTartisan 32mm f/2.8 AF lens for Sony E-mount coming next

TTartisan will soon announce the Sony E-mount version of the 32mm f/2.8 AF lens (currently available only for Nikon Z-mount). The lens is now on sale for $132. Additional information:

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TTartisan is teasing a new 105mm f/2.8 mirrorless lens with tilt capabilities

TTartisan is teasing a new 105mm f/2.8 mirrorless lens with tilt or tilt/shift capabilities:

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TTartisan announced additional Nikon Z, Fuji X, and Canon RF versions of their 50mm f/1.4 TILT lens

Today TTartisan announced additional Nikon Z, Fuji X, and Canon RF mount versions of their already existing 50mm f/1.4 TILT lens (previously available only for Sony E and Leica L mounts). The price is $199 for all versions (X/Z/RF/E/L). The new lens is currently in stock at: Official online store (international shipping) Pergear (international shipping) […]

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Surprise! New DSLR lens announced: TTArtisan 11mm f/2.8 ED full-frame fisheye for Nikon F and Canon EF

TTArtisan announced a new 11mm f/2.8 ED full-frame fisheye lens for DSLR cameras (Nikon F and Canon EF). This lens has already been existing for other mirrorless mounts. The new lens is currently in stock at: TTartisan Pergear Amazon US Amazon UK Amazon DE Here are the details:

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Just announced: new TTArtisan 35mm f/0.95 APS-C lens for E/X/Z/RF/L/EOS-M

TTArtisan announced a new 35mm f/0.95 APS-C mirrorless lens for E/X/Z/RF/L/EOS-M mount. The new lens is currently in stock at: TTartisan Pergear Amazon US Amazon CA Amazon UK Amazon DE Additional information:

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New: TTArtisan 21mm and 28mm optical viewfinders ($43) for Leica M, Ricoh GR, and other cameras

Today TTArtisan announced new 21mm/28mm optical viewfinders priced at $43 – significantly cheaper than the Leica, Voigtlander, Zeiss, Sigma, and Ricoh versions. The new TTArtisan viewfinders are already in stock at the official online store (international shipping available) and at Amazon. Additional information:

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