Tag Archives: Fujifilm GFX modular medium format mirrorless camera prototype

Fujifilm will make smaller, lighter and cheaper medium format GFX cameras to become a mainstream product

Cinema5D interviewed Fujifilm General Manager Toshi Iida – here is the recap from FujiAddict:

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Modular Fujifilm GFX mirrorless medium format camera design patent

Remember the modular Fujifilm GFX mirrorless medium format camera prototype? FujiAddict got their hands on the desing patent drawings for that camera – maybe after all Fuji will make such camera one day… maybe? Via FujiAddict

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More pictures of the Fujifilm GFX XΩ modular medium format mirrorless camera prototype

  Some additional pictures of the Fujifilm GFX XΩ modular medium format mirrorless camera prototype that was presented during the recent X Summit. This specific design never reached production because the shutter mechanism was too large:

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Fujifilm X Summit at GPP Photo Week 2019 recap (Fujifilm GFX modular mirrorless camera prototype)

Fujifilm released a new video of their X Summit for GPP Photo Week 2019 and there is a lot of interesting information about upcoming lenses and cameras. The presentation also included this not yet seen Fujifilm GFX modular medium format mirrorless camera prototype (watch the video at the 59:42 mark and Zack’s video on Weibo):   If you […]

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