Tag Archives: mirrorless camera size comparisons

The Sony a7R line is getting bigger (just like any other mirrorless camera)

I updated my post about high-end mirrorless cameras keep getting bigger with the latest Sony a7R versions comparison (Sony a7R vs. Sony a7R II vs. Sony a7R III vs. Sony a7R IV camera size comparison – click for larger view): Fact: high-end mirrorless cameras keep getting bigger Screenshots via camerasize.com

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Fact: high-end mirrorless cameras keep getting bigger

When the new flagship Fuji X-H1 mirrorless camera was announced last week I watched an B&H interview with a Fuji where the rep (Justin) started off by saying something like – we had to make a professional robust body, so we had to increase the size of the camera: “we need a body that is a […]

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