For a limited time, you can get 15% off at SPINN.DESIGN with coupon code SD15-RUMORS (valid until February 7, 2024): SPINN.DESIGN sells different camera accessories – see previous coverage here:
There is a new Kickstarter for SPINN CP camera strap 2023 edition that already achieved its goal of $13,624 goal with 35 more days to go. The 2023 version comes with two different base plates and different strap colors. The company behind the strap (SPINN.DESIGN) has already completed several very successful crowdfunding campaigns in the past. […]
SPINN.DESIGN already had several successful crowdfunding campaigns. Their latest project SPINN CW.01 protective wrap for camera gear raised over $200k on Kickstarter and is now available for purchase directly from the SPINN Desing online store. The previous SPINN products are also available: You can get 10% off your SPINN order with code SPD10-RUMORS.