Venus Optics is coming with a new line of fast f/0.95 lenses that will be called Argus as I reported back in January. Here is the first picture of the upcoming Laowa FF II Argus 35mm f/0.95 lens courtesy of Weibo:
Venus Optics is coming with a new line of fast f/0.95 lenses that will be called Argus as I reported back in January. Here is the first picture of the upcoming Laowa FF II Argus 35mm f/0.95 lens courtesy of Weibo:
View this post on Instagram A post shared by NikonRumors.com (@nikonrumors) on Jan 19, 2020 at 4:39pm PST First, the first Venus Optics Laowa 15mm f/4.5 W-Dreamer full frame shift lens specifications: Rectilinear ultra-wide-angle Lens 17 elements in 11 groups 110º FOV 682g +/- 11mm shift range Available in Nikon F and Z […]