Tag Archives: Venus Optics LAOWA MFT 25mm f/0.95 lens

Announced: Venus Optics Laowa CF Argus 25mm f/0.95 APO (APS-C) and 18mm f/0.95 APO (MFT)

The previously rumored Laowa lenses from Venus Optics are now officially announced. Most details were already reported online, here is the rest: Laowa CF Argus 25mm f/0.95 APO lens for APS-C cameras Product/order page Technical specifications Sample photos Laowa Argus 18mm f/0.95 APO lens for MFT cameras Product/order page Technical specifications Sample photos Additional information:

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Confirmed: new Venus Optics Laowa Argus 25mm f/0.95 APO (APS-C) and 18mm f/0.95 APO (MFT) lenses coming later today

I can now confirm the two new upcoming Laowa Argus lenses from Venus Optics (previously reported here):

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The two new Laowa lenses from Venus Optics are…

The teaser from Venus Optics I reported a few days ago will be for the following two new lenses: Laowa 25mm f/0.95 APO for APS-C cameras Laowa 18mm f/0.95 APO for MFT cameras Venus Optics is teasing a new fast Laowa f/0.95 lens Via FujiAddict

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Venus Optics announced a new Laowa Argus 25mm f/0.95 lens for Micro Four Thirds

Today Venus Optics officially announced the previously rumored Laowa Argus 25mm f/0.95 lens for Micro Four Thirds. Pre-orders are now open at the official Laowa online store that offers international shipping. Key features of the new Laowa Argus 25mm f/0.95 MFT APO lens:

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Additional details on the upcoming Laowa Argus 25mm f/0.95 lens for MFT from Venus Optics

The previously rumored Laowa Argus 25mm f/0.95 lens for MFT from Venus Optics will be announced later this week. Here is the latest info (see also this post):

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The next Venus Optics lens is probably going to be the Laowa 25mm f/0.95 for MFT

The latest teaser from Venus Optics released a few days ago is probably for the previously rumored Venus Optics Laowa MFT 25mm f/0.95 lens. You can see that the picture on the teaser is identical:

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Venus Optics is teasing a new Argus M4/3 APO ​​​lens

As I already reported earlier today Venus Optics will announce several new lenses for the 2022 CP+ show in Japan. There is already a teaser for a new Argus M4/3 APO ​​​lens that will be announced on February 21: Venus Optics will also announce a new Laowa 85mm f/5.6 2X Ultra Macro APO lens for […]

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