Tag Archives: Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 full frame lens

Zhong Yi Optics Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 lens now available for Nikon Z and Canon RF mounts

The Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 lens from Zhong Yi Optics is now also available for Nikon Z and Canon RF mounts (the Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 already exists for other mounts). The new lens is now listed for sale on eBay. Here are the lens specifications and some sample photos:

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Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 full frame lens review and sample photos

Tom published his review of the Mitakon 85mm f/1.2 lens ($799):

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Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 lens officially announced

Update: the lens is now available for pre-order at B&H. The Mitakon Zhongyi Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 lens is now officially announced. The price is $799. Shipping will start in May, 2015. Here are the details:

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Is this the new Mitakon Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 full frame lens?

Update: the lens is now officially announced. I received those pictures of a new Speedmaster 85mm f/1.2 full frame lens that could be what the Mitakon teaser on Facebook was about. Here are few additional details: Manual focus lens 9 elements in 6 groups, 2 ED elements Minimum focusing distance: 1m 11 blades aperture Available […]

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New Mitakon lens teaser

ZY Optics has a teaser on Facebook for a new Mitakon lens. Here are the clues:

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