A note from a reader on the upcoming Fuji X-A1 camera (if you have some additional information you would like to share, you can contact me here):
Hi Everyone Gavin here from down under (Australia) first time I've posted on the site đ
Anyway I just thought I would clear up some information about the upcoming Fuji X-A1 since the image above has leaked.
A few months ago (28th of July) I posted on my local forums (OCAU) about an experience I personally had at my local camera store...Long story short I got to meet the Australian Fuji Reps and got to play with the only Prototype X-M1, 16-50mm and 27mm lenses in the country - I got lucky as the guys thought I worked at the store and had just come from my day off, so they were happy to let me play with the prototype and ask all kinds of questions including details about the X-A1, was truly memorable experience and loved every second đFast forward to now with the leaked image above and I can say for certain that this is not a 'FAKE' its legit and real.
Below is a segment from my post on the forums (OCAU) detailing information about the X-A1:
"x-a1 : same as per the x-m1 with a few cosmetic body colour differences⊠Red-maroon, deep blue, and a near chrome like silver finish â also uses a different bayer sensor instead of the x-trans sensor (fingers crossed that Fuji has recycled the same sensor from the original x100 and transplanted into this new compact body â as many raved over that sensor. $300aud cheaper then itâs brother the x-m1 when in kit form.
Also anyone interested in the cost of such a prototype, I asked the fuji reps and was told that the X-M1 that I played with was $20,000 to produce, all hand built in Japan...take that Leica... another funny note about the prototype was that the battery latch was from an X-E1 made me giggle a little bit when I saw this "Anyway hope this helps to clear up any confusion. Keep Shooting & most of all have Fun đ
Many Regards,
I was told from the reps also that we should look out for something BIG at the beginning of 2014...exact words from the rep "If your impressed with the X-A1 and therefore the X-series in general you'll be gobsmaked by something that's coming in early 2014"..(I asked why)..apparently a couple of days ago he had been going through fuji's future product list and came across something that is going to be a massive shaker due to the specs of the up coming camera for 2014... his words again... "When I saw the specs I had to double check with our people in Japan, and my jaw dropped when they told me it was correct" - So yes keep an eye out on the horizon for something BIG from Fuji in the first bit of 2014 everyone, I know I am đ