Eastman Kodak Company reported their financial results for the third quarter 2019, including a net loss of $5 million on revenues of $315 million and growth in key print and film product areas:
Meyer Optik Görlitz is back with three new (version II) lenses: “We are currently revising the entire portfolio and are expected to release the first optimized lens at the end of November. This is the Trioplan 100 f2.8 II. The other lenses such as Trioplan 50, Lydith 30 or Primoplan 75 will follow (presumably) in […]
Tokina is rumored to announce a new ATX-i 100mm f/2.8 FF full-frame DSLR macro lens for Nikon F and Canon EF. The new lens will be a replacement for the current Tokina 100mm f/2.8 AT-X M100 AF Pro D Macro lens and will most likely have the new Opera design like the latest Tokina Opera 16-28mm f/2.8 […]
Adobe published another Lightroom sneak peek video: The latest Adobe CC subscription plan rates can be found here (see also this page). A free Lightroom CC trial is available on this page (no credit card required). More information on the different Lightroom versions is available here and here. The different Adobe Creative Cloud options are described here. For Adobe alternatives check the latest products […]