- ZeissImages.com, the online photo gallery of images captured with Zeiss optics, announced its annual photography contest for 2012. The prize will be provided by Carl Zeiss - the winner of this contest will be given the option of selecting one of the following lenses:
- Distagon 2.8/25 ZF.2
- Distagon 2/28 ZE or ZF.2
- Distagon 2/35 ZE or ZF.2
- Planar 1.4/50 ZE or ZF.2
- Planar 1.4/85 ZE or ZF.2
- Makro-Planar 2/50 ZE or ZF.2
- Adobe released Photoshop
- Apple released Aperture 3.4.1.
- Sony abandons "RGBW Coding" in stacked sensors.
- Blackmagic cinema camera delayed due to "blemishes" on the glass covering the sensor.
- Kodak planning to exit consumer printing business.