Category Archives: Polaroid

What else is new?

Polaroid announced a new Z340 instant camera: 14MP, 3×4 in. prints, 2.7-inch LCD screen, SD memory card slot, 67 cents per print, price: $300. The new 6-in-1 IR remote from Phottix offers wireless auto-focus and shutter release functions for Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax and Olympus cameras. New Casio EX-ZR200 camera was announced in Japan. See the full specs […]

Also posted in Casio, GoPro, Olympus, Sinar | 7 Comments

Some more pictures from the PDN PhotoPlus show

In addition to the PDN report (see also this Nikon related post), here are some additional images from the show’s floor. What’s inside the Panasonic GH2:

Also posted in Canon, Fuji, Lensbaby, Minox, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Ricoh, Sony, Zeiss | Leave a comment

2011 PDN Photoplus show report

This is a guest post from Brian Hirschfeld ( on the PDN PhotoPlus show that took place in New York last week (check also my report on NikonRumors): Saturday October 29, 2011 was a day to remember. Leaving my house in Connecticut at around 11:30 with flurries falling I wasn’t to concerned about the weather; […]

Also posted in Arca-Swiss, Canon, Fuji, Pentax, Phase One, Schneider Kreuznach | Tagged | 15 Comments

Quick weekend links

Today only: Adobe Lightroom 3 for $199. $50 off (10%) for the Olympus XZ-1 with this coupon code: S8476632 (also free shipping). You can check also the Olympus XZ-1 guest review. The new Hasselblad H4D-200MS can deliver images with 200MP resolution by taking six different shots: “The H4D-200MS camera uses a 50Mpix sensor mounted onto our patented […]

Also posted in Adobe, Hasselblad, Olympus, Panasonic, Ricoh | 9 Comments

Polaroid went Gaga

Polaroid announced three new products at CES 2011: a portable Bluetooth printer, a new instant digital camera and… camera glasses. Yes, those are sun glasses with built-in camera and… LCD screens embedded in the front. The whole Grey line is inspired by Lade Gaga and “is truly expressive of Lady Gaga’s artistic vision”. If you can go through the whole video […]

Posted in Polaroid | 27 Comments

Polaroid “GREY” press event is today

Polaroid is expected to reveal the next generation of instant cameras today at 3:30pm PST as part of the series of announcements during CES 2011. The word on the street is that Chase Jarvis will be involved in the event. Lady Gaga also seems to have some involvement in this project.

Posted in Polaroid | 10 Comments

Polaroid to reveal the next generation of instant cameras at CES 2011

Engadget posted those teasers from Polaroid and it looks like the instant camera maker will be unveiling a new product at CES 2011 (in Las Vegas between January 6-9th, 2011):

Posted in Polaroid | 2 Comments