Category Archives: Samyang

Just announced: Samyang AF 35mm f/2.8 FE (full frame autofocus mirrorless lens for Sony E-mount)

Samyang announced a new AF 35mm f/2.8 FE full frame autofocus mirrorless lens for Sony E-mount. This lens was first displayed at the 2017 P&I show in April. The US price of the new lens is $399, which is half price of the Sony Sonnar T* FE 35mm f/2.8 ZA lens. Update: the lens is now available […]

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Other NAB announcements

The big news of the week was definitely the announcement of the new Sony a9 camera, but there were also a few other announcements before the start of the 2017 NAB show: → The latest Ricoh Theta 360° camera. → Sigma announced the previously rumored two new cinema lenses: 14mm T2 and 135mm T2. → New […]

Also posted in Canon, GoPro, Ricoh, Sigma, Zeiss | Tagged | 5 Comments

Samyang has a new USB docking station for firmware updates and customization called “Lens Station”

In addition to the new 35mm f/2.8 FE autofocus full frame mirrorless lens for Sony cameras, Samyang also has a new USB docking station for firmware updates and customization called “Lens Station” – similar to the Sigma USB Dock and Tamron TAP-In Console. The picture was taken at the 2017 Seoul International Photo & Imaging […]

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New Samyang AF 35mm f/2.8 FE lens coming soon (autofocus full frame mirrorless lens)

  At the P&I 2017 show (Seoul International Photo & Imaging Show) Samyang displayed a new AF 35mm f/2.8 autofocus FE lens for full frame Sony mirrorless cameras (Samyang already has two AF lenses for FE mount):

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Samyang/Rokinon XEEN 20mm T1.9 professional cine lens announced

The teaser I reported about over the weekend was for a new Samyang/Rokinon XEEN 20mm T1.9 professional cine lens – now officially announced: Ultra Wide Angle in 94.8° Aspherical Lens Designed for Films – 114mm Front Size, High-durability, FFG, Declicked Aperture Circular aperture with 11 blades Smooth Focus Ring Shipping will start in March 2017, the […]

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Samyang to announce one or two wide angle AF full frame lenses for Sony E-mount in 2017

In a recent interview, Samyang confirmed that they will be releasing “one or two” wide angle EF autofocus full frame lenses for Sony E-mount in 2017 (at 2:00 mark). Samyang currently has two EF autofocus lenses: the 50mm f/1.4 FE AF and the 14mm f/2.8 FE AF:

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Samyang “will probably” start producing autofocus zoom lenses as well

In addition to start making AF lenses for Canon and Nikon, Samyang is also planning to start making zoom lenses – first for the Xeen line of cinema lenses and then autofocus zoom photography lenses. All this is according to another recent Samyang interview with Focus-numerique:

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