Category Archives: Sinar

What else is new?

Polaroid announced a new Z340 instant camera: 14MP, 3×4 in. prints, 2.7-inch LCD screen, SD memory card slot, 67 cents per print, price: $300. The new 6-in-1 IR remote from Phottix offers wireless auto-focus and shutter release functions for Nikon, Canon, Sony, Pentax and Olympus cameras. New Casio EX-ZR200 camera was announced in Japan. See the full specs […]

Also posted in Casio, GoPro, Olympus, Polaroid | 7 Comments

PhotoRumors updates

I will try to recap everything that happen in the past few days, too much to over in individual posts: Released: Sinar released their new Sinarback eVolution86 H digital back (rumored a month ago) Delayed: Sony A560 delayed until Jan 2011 in the US Underwater: underwater case for Sony NEX 5 Increasing capacity: Sony increases production capacity […]

Also posted in Adobe, Canon, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Zeiss | 5 Comments

Sinar with a new digital back at Photokina 2010

Rumors from small manufacturers are rare, so I really enjoyed receiving this one even though there was not much information provided: Sinar will present a new high-end multishoot digital back at Photokina. It will have a roller ball selector, screen and new, more intuitive menu system. If you have any information about an upcoming, photography […]

Posted in Sinar | 7 Comments