Tag Archives: Fuji mirrorless market share

Report: shipments of interchangeable and mirrorless cameras in 2019

Nikkei published new data on the shipments of interchangeable and mirrorless cameras in 2019:

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Nikkei released their 2019 camera market share

Nikkei released the 2019 camera market share – the top five digital camera companies combined had a 93.7% share in 2019 (total sales units: 14,830,000 or -22.4%):

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The latest camera global market share: Canon 40.5 %, Nikon 19.1 %, Sony 17.7 %

Here is the latest global market share: Canon 40.5 % (+ 3.9) Nikon 19.1 % (- 2.7) Sony 17.7 % (- 0.7) Fujifilm: 5.1 % (+ 1.3) Olympus: 2.8 % (+ 0.1) The digital camera market was down 22% in 2018. The top five companies hold 85.2% market share with a total of 20,290,000 units (-22.2%). Other recent […]

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Fuji wants to capture 50% of the emerging mirrorless market in 2 years

FujiAddict found an interesting interview with Fujifilm India Managing Director Yasunobu Nishiyama published by the Times of India:

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