Tag Archives: Fuji photographic film price increase

Another Fujifilm photographic film price increase coming

Another Fujifilm photographic film price increase (30%) is coming on June 1st (see previous price increases): Color negative film (135) Fuji Color 100  Fuji Color SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 Professional negative film (135/120) Fuji Color PRO 400 H Professional negative film (120) Fuji Color PRO 160 NS Reversal film (135/120 / CUT) Fujichrome Velvia 50 Fujichrome […]

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Another Fujifilm photographic film price increase (over 30%) is coming in April

Fujifilm published another notice about an upcoming price increase on photographic film and paper (see previous price increases): Photographic film: Color Negative Film, Color Reversal Film, Quick Snap, Control Strips (the minimum increase is expected to be 30%) Photographic paper: All photographic paper (the minimum increase is a double-digit percentage) The price increase will be effective on […]

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Fuji warns about an upcoming price increase of photographic papers

Fuji warns about another upcoming price revision of photographic papers that will basically lead to another price increase. I think Fuji is the only company that issues a press release every time they increase their prices. They even have a press release to say that they are having a “worldwide price revision”, here it is:

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Fujifilm announced “substantial” worldwide price increase of photographic film

I think this is the 6th Fuji price increase on photographic film I have reported on this blog in the past few years (and I am sure I missed few). Here are the details: Update: the US price increase will be approximately 10%.

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Another Fujifilm price increase on photographic film, some products will get discontinued

Fujifilm published another notice regarding their photographic film – the following products will get around 20% price increase in October, 2015: Size Price increases target type Color negative film 135 Fujicolor 100 135 Fujicolor SUPERIA PREMIUM 400 135 Fujicolor SUPERIA X-TRA 400 135 Fujicolor SUPERIA Venus 800 135 Fujicolor NATURA 1600 Lens with film 135 QuickSnap […]

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Another Fuji film price increase

Fuji announced today another price increase on color negative film, color reversal film, black and white film and quick snap. Stock up now before the price increase kicks in on April 2014. Here is the press release:

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Fujifilm price increase on photographic film coming to the US on July 1st

Fujifilm North America officially announced that the previously reported 20% worldwide price increase on photographic film will take effect in the US on July 1st, 2013:

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Another price increase on Fujifilm photographic films coming next month

  Today Fujifilm announced another “substantial”, at least double digit price increase on Fujifilm photographic films effective from April 2013 onward. Just a reminder that in May last year the company already had a 20% across the line price increase on black and white, color negative, and color reversal films in the US. If you are shooting film, check […]

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