Irix is teasing a new T/1.5 Cine lens that will be announced on January 12th, 2022. Irix already has five cinema lenses: 11mm, 15mm 45mm, and 150mm. Here is the teaser:
I already reported that all Irix Cine lenses are now available for Canon RF-mount. Today Irix added also Nikon Z-mount and Leica L-mont versions to their Cine lens lineup. The new lenses are now available for sale at the official Irix USA website and should be listed soon at Adorama, B&H, Amazon, and in Europe at Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR, Amazon IT. […]
Irix is rumored to announce Cine versions of their existing 11mm f/4 and 15mm f/2.4 lenses as well as new mirrorless versions for Nikon Z and probably also for Canon R mounts (the 11mm and 15mm lenses are currently available only for DSLR mounts). Irix recently introduced their first 150mm T3.0 cinema version of the Irix […]