Tag Archives: sonyrumors

Sony has registered third new camera in Asia (WW850128)

Sony has registered another new camera in Asia under the name WW850128 (the third new model after the WW119533 and WW271448). Here is my guess for the three new Sony cameras:

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Sony registered a new camera (WW271448)

Sony has registered a new camera under the code name WW271448 in Asia. Some of the specifications (Wi-Fi 5GHz/2.4GHz) could indicate, but not guarantee, a new high-end model. New cameras are usually registered 30-90 days before the official announcement, but in some cases (like Nikon) it could be even years before we see the new product […]

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Besides all the hype, there is still no trace of the Sony a7sIII camera

If you have been following the latest Sony “rumors”, the a7sIII camera should have been announced a long time ago. I had several readers asking me about that model and my response is: besides all the fake hype, there is still no trace or any reliable information on the Sony a7sIII camera. Here is what Kai […]

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New Sony product announcement on April 20th

Sony will have a new product announcement on April 20th, 2020 at noon EST:

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Sony A7 Mark IV and Sony A7s Mark IV rumored specifications

Since we have not seen any reasonable Sony Alpha rumors in years, here are some rumored specifications for the Sony A7 Mark IV and Sony A7s Mark IV cameras (click for larger view):

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