The Russian Helios and Zenitar cameras and lenses are now sold in the USA, Canada, China, and in the countries of Southeast Asia.
The Russian Helios and Zenitar cameras and lenses are now sold in the USA, Canada, China, and in the countries of Southeast Asia.
In addition to the two new lenses for Leica M-mount, Zenit is also expected to announce a new camera and new lenses for Nikon and Canon DSLR cameras in 2019. This information was provided by a company’s representative in a recent interview with Cienam5D: Zenit has displayed several new lenses in the past, including a Zenitar […]
Back in February I reported that the Russian camera and lens manufacturer Zenit is coming back to life. The Russian photographer Denis Gavrilov posted some more information on the upcoming KMZ/Zenit lenses on his website and more specifically in this article (English translation): → Zenitar 85mm f/1.2 for 24×36 SLR cameras, planned for 2016 or 2017 (Zenitar-N means the […]