Monthly Archives: July 2011

Some Sony Alpha A99 rumors

I received some rumored specs for a new Sony Alpha A99 camera. No details were provided as of when this camera will be announced: Translucent mirror 36.9 Megapixel 3MOS Exmor sensor (No Bayer filter) ISO 100-102400 extendable to 204800 and 409600 12 frames per second No infrared or anti-alias filters Digital infrared filtering with three modes NO […]

Posted in Sony | Tagged | 43 Comments

Upcoming Olympus VF-3 electronic viewfinder listed in online manual, will probably have a built-in flash

In the German version of the Olympus EP-3 online manual  in addition to the VF-2, there is another EVF listed as VF-3. Based on a previous leak from an official YouTube video, the Olympus VF-3 will probably have a front built-in flash and a resolution of 900.000 pixels.

Posted in Olympus | 2 Comments

Weekend links

Kenko Tokina buys the filter maker Cokin. Rumor: K-mount mirrorless still in the works. Europe to launch massive gigapixel camera into space. This is probably the slowest Instant camera ever:

Posted in Other | 2 Comments

Samsung NX100 now discontinued

B&H now lists the Samsung NX100 mirrorless camera as discontinued. Adorama is offering a $180 instant rebate on the NX100. Samsung is trying to clear their inventory before the release of the new NX200. It seems that the second mirrorless camera, the NX20, will be delayed till January 2012. Both new models are expected to have higher pixel […]

Posted in Samsung | Tagged | 2 Comments

LockCircle camera body cap for your Canon DSLR

      There is a new high-end body cap for Canon DSLR cameras from LockCircle. A Nikon mount is coming soon. Here is the press release:

Posted in Canon | 48 Comments

Sony Canada leaks NEX-5E, NEX-VG20 and 55-210mm lens

Sony Canada leaked on their service website a black and silver NEX 5 cameras which are probably the model number for their upcoming NEX 5E model. The other two products are NEXVG20, the replacement of the Sony NEX-VG10 and SEL55210 which stands for a new 55-210mm lens for NEX.

Posted in Sony | 1 Comment

New Canon mirrorless camera adapter patent

Canon filed a patent 2011-107255 in Japan for a mount adapter with a built-in aperture. The adapter will have  means of communication between the camera and the lens. The aperture in the adapter can be controlled electronically. The camera body on the diagram resembles some kind of  a mirrorless solution.

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