Tag Archives: DxO ONE camera

DxO One camera attachment for iPhone announced

The DxO One camera for iPhone is now officially announced and is available for pre-oder at $599. You should have already seen the teasers, the leaked pictures of the camera and the detailed specs from my previous posts. In case you missed them, visit dxo.com for more information. The DxoMark scores for the new camera are already available: Here […]

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This is the new DxO ONE camera that will be announced tomorrow

After the teasers and the full set of specifications, here are the first pictures of the DxO ONE camera that will be officially announced tomorrow. The DxO ONE tech specs in case you missed my previous post:

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The upcoming DxO ONE camera has 1″ sensor and attaches to your smartphone

The DxO teasers I posted yesterday are for a new DxO ONE camera that will attach to your smartphone. The official announcement will be on the 18th. Here is some additional information, including technical specs thanks to Google cache (thanks for the tip Spike!):

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“On Thursday, DxO will launch our new shape of photography”

Update: the teasers are for a new smartphone camera module called DxO ONE. More info is available here. A new website called newshapeofphotography.com teases about something new coming from DxO on June 18th: A leap of faith Your proud father’s gaze on graduation day Rushing glacial streams cutting through jagged rocks Forgotten seashells burrowing through […]

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