Tag Archives: Meyer Optik Primagon 24mm f/2.8 lens

First rendering of the $5,499 Meyer-Optik Primagon 24mm f/2.8 lens

As promised earlier – this is the first rendering of the upcoming Meyer-Optik Primagon 24mm f/2.8 lens. Here is what we know so far: The lens will be available for all mirrorless mounts. Shipping will start in early 2018. Priced: $5,499 (probably cheaper on Kickstarter). The Kickstarter project for the Meyer Optik Gorlitz Trioplan 35mm f/2.8 lens […]

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 16 Comments

Meyer-Optik announced a new high-end Primagon 24mm f/2.8 lens priced at $5,499

The new Meyer-Optik lens I mentioned yesterday is a $5,499 Primagon 24mm f/2.8. Details and pictures to come soon. The lens will be available for all mirrorless mounts. Shipping will start in early 2018. Here is the press release:

Posted in Meyer Optik Görlitz | Tagged | 64 Comments

Meyer Optik Gorlitz to announce a new lens tomorrow “unlike any other”

Tomorrow Meyer Optik Gorlitz is rumored to announce a new lens which will be unlike any other in their lineup in terms of build, price and focal length (see all current MOG lenses). Meyer Optik Gorlitz Meyer Optik Gorlitz recently announced their latest Trioplan 35mm f/2.8 lens that is still available on Kickstarter for the next […]

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