Tag Archives: Sony curved sensor

Sony medium format camera rumors

There are some old rumors that have been going around again about an upcoming Sony medium format camera. Here is the recap I recently received from a new source:

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Nikkei published a photo taken with Sony’s upcoming curved sensor

The above picture is captured with Sony’s new curved sensor. The Japanese website Nikkei published also some additional information on the long rumored curved sensor from Sony:

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This is Sony’s new curved sensor

IEEE published a picture of Sony’s first curved sensor. Sony has filed several different patents in the past for curved sensors and lenses. Here is a quick description of the benefits from a curved sensor from IEEE:

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New lenses, curved image sensor patents from Sigma, Canon and Sony

Sigma filed patent 2012-181508 in Japan for 30mm f/2.8, 30mm f/2.5, 45mm f/2.8, 24mm f/2.8, 50mm f/2.8, 55mm f/2.8 mirrorless lenses. Canon filed patent 2012-159723 for a 14mm f/2.8 lens. The design contains 14 elements in 10 groups.

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