Tag Archives: C.P. Goerz Citograph 35mm f/8 lens

C.P. Goerz Citograph 35mm f/8 “always-in-focus” lens officially launched on Kickstarter

The new C.P. Goerz Citograph 35mm f/8 “always-in-focus” lens I mentioned a few days ago is now officially launched on Kickstarter. The “always-in-focus” means that everything from 9 feet in front of them to infinity will be in focus. Technical specs: Focal length 35 mm Magnification ratio 1:8 Optical construction 4 elements in 3 groups […]

Posted in C.P. Goerz | Also tagged | 39 Comments

New C.P. Goerz Citograph 35mm f/8 lens to be launched this week on Kickstarter *UPDATED*

Update: the lens is now officially announced. This week a new German startup company will launch the pictured above C.P. Goerz Citograph 35mm f/8 lens on Kickstarter. From the leaked picture it appears that the lens will not have any focusing mechanism. The new lens will be available for almost all available mounts. Stay tuned for […]

Posted in C.P. Goerz, Sony | Tagged | 16 Comments